

package spark

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class XGBoostClassificationModel extends XGBoostModel

    class of the XGBoost model used for classification task

  2. class XGBoostEstimator extends Predictor[Vector, XGBoostEstimator, XGBoostModel] with LearningTaskParams with GeneralParams with BoosterParams

    XGBoost Estimator to produce a XGBoost model

  3. abstract class XGBoostModel extends PredictionModel[Vector, XGBoostModel] with Serializable with Params

    the base class of XGBoostClassificationModel and XGBoostRegressionModel

  4. class XGBoostRegressionModel extends XGBoostModel

    class of XGBoost model used for regression task

Value Members

  1. object DataUtils extends Serializable

  2. object XGBoost extends Serializable

  3. package params
